Who are BPO Collections?
They are an established debt collection agency. BPO Collections recover debt for a number of blue-chip companies who provide credit. If you fall into arrears or fail to maintain your payment plan, BPO Debt Collections will take steps to recover the money owed.
What Services does BPO DEBT COLLECTIONS Provide?
Blue Chip Company Debt Recovery
BPO Collections are a Debt Collection Agency. They chase bad debts on behalf of businesses such as Finance Companies, Utility Companies and the HMRC. BPO will work with a number of Blue Chip Companies. They collect debts on behalf of companies such as Talk Talk, Barclaycard, Littlewoods Finance, SKY, Scottish Power, First Utility, Npower and the DVLA, to name but a few.
As with most Debt recovery companies, BPO Collections will use a variety of communication techniques. They will send out standard letters, texts or emails in the first instant. They will do this to attempt to collect the debt. BPO Debt Recovery will request you contact them to make payment. These are often system driven letters and may persist for months. If payment is not received, they may then write again offering an out of court settlement. Be warned, they may also take court action to obtain a County Court Judgement (CCJ).
They may come to your house or business and discuss payment options with you. As a consequence, they can seize your property under certain circumstances.
The chances of them being able to enter your property is quite rare. The Debt Collectors can only do this if a Liability Order has been issued against you by a Magistrate on behalf of the local authority. If you are a business then there would need to be an unpaid fine from a Magistrate, County Court or High Court.
Can BPO Collections Send Debt Collectors to My House?
In some cases, if court action has been taken and your debts are still due then the courts may appoint agents to recover property and assets to the value of the debt.
Can BPO Break into My House?
The chances of BPO debt recovery agents being able to enter your property are quite rare. They can only do this if a Liability Order has been issued against you by a magistrate on behalf of the local authority. If you are a business then there would need to be an unpaid fine from a Magistrate, County Court or High Court.
Reasonable Force
It is the law that enforcement agencies are only able to enter a property if they have been inside the property before. They are then able to use what is known as ‘reasonable force’ to re-enter. This could involve BPO collections using a Locksmith to help them gain entry. They can only try and gain entry during the hours of 6 am and 9 pm.
What Can BPO Agents Take?
There are restrictions on what can be removed from for your property. If you have given them entry, or they have gained entry by other means then they can remove what is known as ‘Walking Possessions’. These are those which are subject to ‘Taking Control of Goods Regulations’. BPO will make an inventory of any of these possessions in your home and estimate the current value. You can then enter into a ‘Controlled Goods Agreement’ with them which will give you time to pay the outstanding debt.
If you fail to pay them then they can return to your property and remove items. There are certain items which BPO Collections Debt Recovery cannot take. These include essential items such as bedding, refrigerators, medical equipment, cookers and other items.