Robinson Way Debt are an enforcement agency. They collect Council Tax arrears for local councils, debts for private companies and rent arrears in communities across the UK.
They who work on behalf of a number of companies in both the public and private sectors. These include Banking and Financial Services, Retail and Home Shopping, Utility Companies and Debt Purchasing Companies.
Robinson Way offer a number of debt collection services, specifically tailored for all of their clients. They have a nationwide service but operate from Head Quarters in Salford. In Salford there is a dedicated call centre to handle all queries, which is supported by an online service for both clients and customers alike. Robinson Way Ltd claim their Debt Collection services and processes, are built on a the principle of treating customers fairly.
They accept aged debt at any stage of the debt collection process. This includes regular payers, early arrears and post write off. Debt Collection services include:
Robinson Way will use their own lawyers to serve notice and litigation. Legal Collection is a big part of the debt collection process. Throughout the Litigation process, they will continue to negotiate payment options at every stage. Only when litigation is unavoidable, would a case be moved onto this stage.
Tracing People
They have a sophisticated trace and track system. They use their own in-house investigation teams to trace people.
Reconnection services are a way to act before taking legal action. They use advanced technology to ensure all of its processes and collection techniques are to up-to-date and as effective as possible.
The ways they may communicate with you
This includes letter, telephone, SMS and email to contact you.
Can Robinson Way Send Debt Collectors to My House?
In some cases, if court action has been taken and your debts are still due then the courts may appoint Debt Collection Agents to recover property and assets to the value of the debt from you, so they will pay you a visit.
Can Their Agents Break into My House?
The chances of Robinson Way Debt Collector’s being able to enter your property are quite rare. They can only do this if a Liability Order has been issued against you by a magistrate on behalf of the local authority. If you are a business then there would need to be an unpaid fine from a Magistrate, County Court or High Court.
Reasonable Force
It is the law that enforcement agencies and bailiffs are only able to enter a property if they have been inside the property before. They are then able to use what is known as ‘reasonable force’ to re-enter. This could involve the use of a Locksmith to help them gain entry. They can only try and gain entry during the hours of 6am to 9pm.
What Can Their Agents Take?
There are restrictions on what can be removed from your property by bailiffs. If you have given them entry of they have gained entry by other means, then they can remove what is known as ‘Walking Possessions’. These are those which are subject to ‘Taking Control of Goods Regulations’. They will make an inventory of any of those possessions in your home and estimate the current value. You can enter into a ‘Controlled Goods Agreement’ with them which will give you time to pay the outstanding debt.
If you fail to pay Robinson Way, then they can return to your property and remove items. There are certain items they cannot take away with them. These include essential items such as bedding, refrigerators, medical equipment, cookers and other items.