Do You Have £5,000 Or More Of Debt?

Take back control of your debts

Write-off unaffordable unsecured debt

Reduce your monthly repayments

Stop creditor pressure & harassment

Get Immediate Help Now!


What Is An IVA?

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a formal agreement with your creditors to pay back what you can realistically afford over a period of time (usually five years). If you stick to the terms of your IVA and make the agreed regular payments, once your IVA has completed any outstanding debts will be written-off and you will be debt free.

Advantages of an IVA

Interest and charges will be frozen

No more creditor letters or calls chasing the debt

Bailiff and enforcement action can be stopped

Pay back what you can realistically afford

Once the IVA is completed, all outstanding debts are written-off

Disadvantages of an IVA

Your IVA proposal has to be accepted by your creditors

You may have to release assets of a certain value to the benefit of your creditors

All IVAs are recorded on a public register

An IVA will appear on your credit file

In certain cases you may be asked to release some equity from your home

Example IVA

Example debts before an IVA

Credit Cards£5,000
Payday Loans£1,500
Council Tax£3,000
Utility Arrears£2,000
Bank Loans£4,000
Debt Collector£2,450

The IVA example is for illustration purposes only. Monthly payments are based on individual circumstances.

Before an IVA

Monthly Payments

Debt written-off

Total Debt Repayable


After IVA approved

Monthly Payments

Debt witten-off

Total Debt Repayable


Debts included in an IVA

Council Tax Arrears

Water Arrears

Unsecured Bank Loans

Student Loans

Store Cards

Rent & Mortgage Arrears

Phone Arrears

Payday Loans

Court fines

Catalogue Debts

Benefit Overpayments


HMRC Tax Bills (self employed)

Gas & Electric Arrears

Credit Cards

Why Choose M1 Bailiff Solutions?

Our Aim

To help you understand the options available to you and help you on your road to debt recovery.

Experienced Team

We have many years experience helping our customers improve their circumstances and deal with their debts.

Experts On

Bailiff enforcement action; Council Tax arrears; court fines; parking fines; gas, electric and water arrears; debt consolidation; and all debt solutions.